Monday, September 3, 2007

Not Happy

Ive fallen of the bandwagon. Where did the grocery money go?? I really need to get my self more organised. So far with the $170 I had for this weeks grocery money I bought fruit & veges and did a little bit of shopping and the money is gone. I did not even buy the meat. I forgot to menu plan so a lot of the grocery shopping was impulse buying. Im so angry at my self.

Repeat repeat repeat: I must be more organised....... If I really want to buy that dream house for my family one day I must get myself more organised and start to seriously look after our money.


Kristin said...

don't worry saver!

the joy of grocery shopping is that you get to practice - again, and again, and again...

Next week you'll do better!

Grizabella said...

:( been there done that...... you get use to menu planning then your forget or dont have time and your budget is totally throw out of wack!

lightening said...

Keep at it and try not to beat yourself up too much. :-) It's all about babysteps and making new habits. If you keep at it, you will make a dent in it. :-)